September Goals

I feel this way at the end of every summer, but I am always shocked when September rolls around each year. August flew by as usual, and I'm not quite ready to trade in my sandals and shorts for boots and sweaters. I'm soaking up the last few weeks of summer and am loving the extra daylight while we still have it.

Recap of my August goals: 

1. Bike to a brewery. (missed this one, but summer isn't officially over yet!) and we did bring out bikes to our anniversary trip and biked around the entire little town of Coure d'Alene, does that count? We were out of town the past 2 out of the five August weekends, and the others were all booked with multiple events. It just got too busy to fit this one in.

2. Visit Canada. (CHECK) This was a fun trip. See more of the highlights here

3. Celebrate our one year anniversary (CHECK) we had a nice weekend away and a really fun fancy date night in Seattle at our favorite restaurant, Black Bottle.

4. Possibly welcome our new nephew! (ALMOST) My sister-in-law was due September 2nd and is still pregnant. Any day now we'll get to meet him!

5. Figure out Twitter. (NOT QUITE) Twitter baffles me, but I'm slowly learning the ropes.

6. Make homemade ice cream. (didn't get to this one either, but that won't stop me from trying it in the future!) Looking forward to this one someday.

More August goals that weren't official but I am still proud of:

-I hosted a successful Instasale and cleaned out my closet.

-I designed and launched this new site. I put a ton of hours into this project and am thrilled with how it turned out. 

-I helped host a baby shower, bridal shower, held a maternity photo shoot session for my sister-in-law, and Daniel and I were in another photo shoot. A full-to-the-brim, excellent August! In September I hope things start to slow down a little.


1. Tailgate. Our college football season has just started and there happens to be a home game during every weekend in September. We currently have plans for trips on 2/4 of those weekends, so hopefully we will get to tailgate at some point when we're in town. I love these games because it feels like a college reunion. There are so many friends to catch up with and plenty of stories to reminisce about.

2. Consider a capsule wardrobe for fall. Inspired by this post here. Not sure if this is realistic for me but I'm intrigued by the concept and want to think about it this month.

3. Welcome our nephew! We are constantly checking our phones and know that at any second we could be heading to the hospital. Can't wait to welcome this little one and get to know him this month. 

Linking up with The Tiny Twig and Jack of all trades for this post. Catch up with those bloggers here and here