We had a huge snow dump on Sunday that has stuck around for a few days, with more expected this weekend. It’s the most snow I can ever remember in ten years of living here, and 100% more than there was in my childhood (hello, California and 50 degree “winters”). It’s been fun! Lots of quality time with Trey, and an out-of-the-ordinary weekly schedule.

By day three we have our routine down: we do breakfast, get geared up, and go for a walk. I am still trying to get one mile in every day this pregnancy, snow or not, and so far so good. Getting outside, even while frigid, makes a huge difference for me (and Trey!) in our days. Trey usually walks for half of it, and throws snowballs along the way, then rides in the stroller for the way home. (I loved our stroller before, but because of the way it handles in the snow my love for it is on a whole new level, it’s this one.) Then, while we still have gear on, we go sledding in the backyard until we’re frozen, come in for a “hot tub” full of bubbles in the bath to warm up, then lunch, nap, and more playing in the afternoon. Daniel has been home early because of the closures which has been fun too. One night this week we did “night sledding” at our neighbors after dinner who also have toddlers and a big backyard hill. It’s been really fun. Cold but sunny, unexpected but welcomed, surprising but needed, and we’ve really been enjoying it.

Fielding some questions on Instagram about my snow boots, I bought them years ago and love them. Linked here.