Let’s talk double strollers. There are a million different options, configurations, and price points on the market. If you’re adding a second child to your family and need a stroller for two, here are your options and my favorites in each category:

Single Jogger + Buggy Board

If your older child is around 3yrs and up, a buggy board attachment can allow almost any regular stroller to be used as a double. Our three year old can sit or stand on the back, it’s easily removable, and great for shorter outings like the zoo. (Pictured is this single stroller that I’ve had for three years and is still what I use when I run with just Blaire, along with the buggy board and this car seat adapter.)

Pros: The most cost effective option of them all. East and fast to take on and off.

Cons: You’ll need something more substantial if you’re running with two kids (which I do often).

Double Jogger

If you’re a runner and you have two young kids, you’ll need some kind of double jogger. This one is my favorite. Since having Trey they updated this one to include a hand brake which is great for the hills in our neighborhood.

Pros: The only way I can run with two kids, it’s easy to navigate, and durable.

Cons: Wide (like it’s not going to fit through a narrow shopping aisle), and may take up too much space in some trunks to be portable. We keep this one at our house since I run directly down our street.

City Stroller With Add Ons

If you use your stroller more for walking and you don’t plan to run with your kids, you can use a city style stroller. If you’re just starting out with one child, you can buy the single stroller, and then add a sibling seat or glider board later on to accommodate two (or even three!) kids. Pictured is this one, just released in black on black.

Pros: The amount of creative configurations with this one is awesome, with forward or rear facing seats, bassinet and/or car seat adapters, a huge under basket, and the glider board to accomondate up to three kids. It also drives like a dream and I find it much easier to steer than the single jogger with a ride on board.

Cons: Good for walking, not running.

Lots of options! If you are active at all with kids or a daily runner like I am, I’d go for a jogging style. Otherwise, a city stroller may work well for you. Just depends on your style and preferences, like most things in motherhood.

Shared in partnership with our favorite, Thule.


Big news. Strollers can be outrageously expensive, and there is finally a luxury stroller on the market at a fraction of the traditional pricing. It’s this one, and I’m a big fan. It has a forward or reverse-facing toddler seat, leather handlebars, affordable accessories, and a SINGLE HANDED CLOSE. About time.

It’s only currently available in a single seat, but a universal buggy board can attach to make room for two (and there may be a two seat option in the works down the line).

Such a find! See a how-to video under “the stroller” here.

Shared in partnership with Mockingbird.